Cary Christian Center Welcomes You
We welcome you to become a donor, a friend, and supporter. We are looking for new partnership daily! We are grateful that we are blessed enough to be a blessing to our community and the surrounding area.
Our Roots
Here at Cary Christian center, nonprofit organization, our Mission is to actively proclaim and demonstrate the Gospel of Jesus Christ in order to enable individuals to reach their full potential in Christ.
We believe that God has called us to work with Him to break the cycle of poverty in the lives of those we serve. Poverty is a destructive lifestyle that sets limits and boundaries on an individual that prevents that individual from reaching their full potential.
The W.O.W.S (Women Offering Women Support) Bible study Ministry has become a wonderfully precious time for twelve to fifteen ladies from Cary and the surrounding communities who attend.
It is a time when we come together for Bible teaching and fellowship, we have now learned to expect God's Holy Spirit to WOW us with His presence.
This group is an extension of the Parent Child Ministry's (PCM) former M.O.M.S group.
"She is clothes with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come"
Proverbs 31:28
Upcoming Events
"The most important thing you must decide to do every day is put the Lord first"